Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Python for GIS data wrangling

 Python is a powerful and widely used programming language that is well-suited for GIS data wrangling tasks. There are a number of libraries and tools available in Python that can be used to perform a wide range of GIS data wrangling tasks, including reading and writing various geospatial data formats, performing spatial transformations and projections, and performing spatial analyses and visualizations.

Some of the most commonly used libraries for GIS data wrangling in Python include:

pandas: A powerful data manipulation and analysis library that is widely used for GIS data wrangling. It provides a range of functions for reading and writing geospatial data formats, including CSV, shapefile, KML, and GeoJSON.

geopandas: A library built on top of pandas that provides additional functionality for working with geospatial data. It allows you to manipulate and visualize geospatial data using familiar pandas dataframes, and includes support for geographic projections and spatial operations.

fiona: A library for reading and writing geospatial data formats, including shapefiles, GeoJSON, and KML. It can be used in combination with other libraries, such as geopandas, to perform advanced GIS data wrangling tasks.

shapely: A library for working with geometric objects such as points, lines, and polygons. It provides functions for creating, manipulating, and performing spatial operations on these objects, and can be used to clean and transform geospatial data.

Other useful libraries for GIS data wrangling in Python include rasterio, gdal, and pyproj, among others. These libraries can be used to perform a wide range of GIS data wrangling tasks, including reading and writing various geospatial data formats, performing spatial transformations and projections, and performing spatial analyses and visualizations.

Over the past few years, I have used python to wrangle different kinds of GIS data and some example can be reviewed below:-

1- Python GIS data wrangling - Harris County Appraisal District

2- GIS data wrangling with python - Gridded Street Finder

3- Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding with Python

4- Python GIS data wrangling - Mapping supper eagles head coaches since 1949

5- Python GIS Data Wrangling - U.S. Drought Monitor

6- Python Programming for GIS Data Processing in QGIS

7- GIS data wrangling with python - case study of 'African Journals Online' featured countries

If you need help with wrangling your GIS data, you may contact me via email/phone details on my website:


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