Wednesday, September 29, 2021

GIS data wrangling with python - Gridded Street Finder

 Here we got two shapefile layers, one is a line representing roads and the other is polygon representing grid mesh labeled as seen below.

A road could extend multiple grids and we want to get all the names of the grid in which a road is found.

As an example, the selected road in yellow color below extends from grid A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1 and H1.

We now need to join the attributes of the two layers and export to CSV file as seen below like so: Vector >> Data Management Tools >> Join Attribute by Location..

The output should be a roads layer with attribute from the grids layer. Export the attribute to CSV for wrangling in python.

As you can see from the CSV file above, there multiple road names with different grid labels. As an example, we have three rows for '1st Avenue' as highlighted above. We just want it on on row with all the grid labels separated by comma like this: 1st Avenue - F3, E4, F4.

# Read the CSV file...
df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Yusuf_08039508010\Desktop\Gwarinpa St Guide\Street_Finder.csv")

# Group the data by street col...
group = df.groupby('Street')

# Create a series where each group item has unique values from the grid col....
df2 = group.apply(lambda x: x['Grid'].unique())


What the code above does is: for each unique value in 'Street' column, get unique values in 'Grid' column. As seen from the output above, that is what we wanted. If you save the series above to file, you will have the below output which you can further clean to the final format.

That is it!

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