Sunday, March 26, 2023

Convert Sentinel-2 Tile KML to CSV

 Lets convert this KML file to CSV or other GIS friendly file.

In this case we just needed the tile number and the multipolygon objects, hence we will have tow columns in the CSV file or table.

The open() function can be used to read the kml file, then the required objects read line by line.

kml_file = r"S2A_OPER_GIP_TILPAR_MPC__20151209T095117_V20150622T000000_21000101T000000_B00_2.kml"
kml_txt_file = open(kml_file)

cnt = 0
tile_number_list = []
tile_wgs_polygon_list = []

for line in kml_txt_file:
    # print(line)
    if 'MULTIPOLYGON' in line:
        tile_number = line.split('<font COLOR="#008000">')[1].split('</font>')[0]
        tile_wgs_polygon = line.split('<font COLOR="#008000">')[-1].split('</font>')[0]

        cnt += 1
    # break
print(f'{cnt} records found...')

To convert to geo dataframe, the script is like so;-

sentinel_df = pd.DataFrame([tile_number_list, tile_wgs_polygon_list]).T
sentinel_df.rename(columns = {0:'TileNumber', 1:'geometry'}, inplace = True)

# Use shapely well known text (wkt) format to create geometry column...
from shapely.wkt import loads
sentinel_df['geometry'] = sentinel_df['geometry'].apply(lambda x: loads(x))

sentinel_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(sentinel_df, crs='epsg:4326')

To convert to csv file;


To convert to shapefile;


If you visualize the converted file, the sentinel-2 tiles the covers Nigeria are seen below:-

31NDE, 31NDF, 31NDG, 31NDH, 31NDJ, 31NEE, 31NEF, 31NEG, 31NEH, 31NEJ, 31NFE, 31NFF, 31NFG, 31NFH, 31NFJ, 31NGE, 31NGF, 31NGG, 31NGH, 31NGJ, 31NHE, 31NHF, 31NHG, 31NHH, 31NHJ, 31PDK, 31PDL, 31PDM, 31PDN, 31PDP, 31PDQ, 31PDR, 31PEK, 31PEL, 31PEM, 31PEN, 31PEP, 31PEQ, 31PER, 31PFK, 31PFL, 31PFM, 31PFN, 31PFP, 31PFQ, 31PFR, 31PGK, 31PGL, 31PGM, 31PGN, 31PGP, 31PGQ, 31PGR, 31PHK, 31PHL, 31PHM, 31PHN, 31PHP, 31PHQ, 31PHR, 32NKK, 32NKL, 32NKM, 32NKN, 32NKP, 32NLK, 32NLL, 32NLM, 32NLN, 32NLP, 32NMK, 32NML, 32NMM, 32NMN, 32NMP, 32NNK, 32NNL, 32NNM, 32NNN, 32NNP, 32NPK, 32NPL, 32NPM, 32NPN, 32NPP, 32NQK, 32NQL, 32NQM, 32NQN, 32NQP, 32NRK, 32NRL, 32NRM, 32NRN, 32NRP, 32PKA, 32PKQ, 32PKR, 32PKS, 32PKT, 32PKU, 32PKV, 32PLA, 32PLQ, 32PLR, 32PLS, 32PLT, 32PLU, 32PLV, 32PMA, 32PMQ, 32PMR, 32PMS, 32PMT, 32PMU, 32PMV, 32PNA, 32PNQ, 32PNR, 32PNS, 32PNT, 32PNU, 32PNV, 32PPA, 32PPQ, 32PPR, 32PPS, 32PPT, 32PPU, 32PPV, 32PQA, 32PQQ, 32PQR, 32PQS, 32PQT, 32PQU, 32PQV, 32PRA, 32PRQ, 32PRR, 32PRS, 32PRT, 32PRU, 32PRV, 33NTE, 33NTF, 33NTG, 33NTH, 33NTJ, 33NUE, 33NUF, 33NUG, 33NUH, 33NUJ, 33NVE, 33NVF, 33NVG, 33NVH, 33NVJ, 33PTK, 33PTL, 33PTM, 33PTN, 33PTP, 33PTQ, 33PTR, 33PUK, 33PUL, 33PUM, 33PUN, 33PUP, 33PUQ, 33PUR, 33PVK, 33PVL, 33PVM, 33PVN, 33PVP, 33PVQ, 33PVR,

That is it!

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