Clip polygon with another polygon using processing algorithm in QGIS
# Clip polygon with another polygon using processing algorithm in QGIS
ovly = 'C:\\Users\\Yusuf_08039508010\\Desktop\\Working_Files\\...\\Name_Bouganville Lower - N.gpkg'
outfile = ovly.split('\\')[-1].replace('Name_', '').replace('.gpkg', '')
print('Processing...', outfile)
parameters = {'INPUT':'C:\\Users\\Yusuf_08039508010\\Desktop\\Working_Files\\...\\Results\\SHP\\Woody_02.shp',
'OUTPUT':f'C:/Users/Yusuf_08039508010/Desktop/Working_Files/.../Results/SHP/Study Location Individual Files/SHP with Holes/{outfile}.shp'}"native:clip", parameters)
# -----------------------------------------------
# Bulk Clip polygon with another polygon using processing algorithm in QGIS
import glob
overlay_file = glob.glob('C:\\Users\\Yusuf_08039508010\\Desktop\\Working_Files\\Fiverr\\2022\\06-June\\Masking None Vegetation Ground Covers\\Results\\SHP\\Study Location Individual Files\\*.gpkg')
failed = []
for ovly in overlay_file:
outfile = ovly.split('\\')[-1].replace('Name_', '').replace('.gpkg', '')
print('Processing...', outfile)
parameters = {'INPUT':'C:\\Users\\Yusuf_08039508010\\Desktop\\Working_Files\\Fiverr\\2022\\06-June\\Masking None Vegetation Ground Covers\\Results\\SHP\\Woody_02.shp',
'OUTPUT':f'C:/Users/Yusuf_08039508010/Desktop/Working_Files/Fiverr/2022/06-June/Masking None Vegetation Ground Covers/Results/SHP/Study Location Individual Files/SHP with Holes/{outfile}.shp'}"native:clip", parameters)
except Exception:
Convert Vector file in Geopackage to Shapefile
# Convert Vector file in Geopackage to Shapefile
gpkg = 'C:\\Users\\Yusuf_08039508010\\Desktop\\Working_Files\\...\\Name_Bouganville Lower - N.gpkg'
# Read vector layer and test it is valid....
input_file = QgsVectorLayer(gpkg, "polygon", "ogr")
# Construct output file name...
out_filename = gpkg.split('\\')[-1].replace('.gpkg', '')
# Write the file to disc...
out_folder = r"C:\Users\Yusuf_08039508010\Desktop\Working_Files\...\Results\SHP\Study Location Individual Files\Failed files"
QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(input_file, f"{out_folder}\\{out_filename}.shp", "UTF-8",, "ESRI Shapefile")
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Bulk Convert Vector file in Geopackage to Shapefile
import glob
gpkg_folder = r"C:\Users\Yusuf_08039508010\Desktop\Working_Files\Fiverr\2022\06-June\Masking None Vegetation Ground Covers\Results\Deliverables\Shp\gpk"
gpkg_files = glob.glob(f'{gpkg_folder}\\*.gpkg')
for gpkg in gpkg_files:
# Read vector layer and test it is valid....
input_file = QgsVectorLayer(gpkg, "polygon", "ogr")
# Construct output file name...
out_filename = gpkg.split('\\')[-1].split('_')[-1].replace('.gpkg', '')
# Write the file to disc...
out_folder = r"C:\Users\Yusuf_08039508010\Desktop\Working_Files\Fiverr\2022\06-June\Masking None Vegetation Ground Covers\Results\Deliverables\Shp"
QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(input_file, f"{out_folder}\\{out_filename}.shp", "UTF-8",, "ESRI Shapefile")
Different ways to read map layers into pyqgis
#1 - Read active layer from the layer panel
layer = iface.activeLayer() # or
layer = qgis.utils.iface.activeLayer()
#2 - Read all layers listed on the layers panel...
layers_on_panel = QgsProject.instance().mapLayers()
#3 - Read layer by name from the layer panel...
layer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName('Churches')
#4 - Read from file...
vector_file = r"C:\Users\Yusuf_08039508010\Desktop\...\NGA_adm2.shp"
layer = QgsVectorLayer(vector_file, 'DISPLAYNAME', 'ogr')
Save all shapefile layer listed on the layer panel into a new directory/folder
# Save layers on layer panel to new folder...
import shutil
newFolder = r'C:\Users\Yusuf_08039508010\Desktop\Map of StudyArea\BMC SHP'
# Read all layers listed on the layers panel...
layers_on_panel = QgsProject.instance().mapLayers()
# Loop over each file and copy it to new folder location...
for k, v in layers_on_panel.items():
# Construct file name...
fn = + '.shp'
# Get file path...
fp1 = v.source()
fp2 = v.source().replace('.shp', '') + '.dbf'
fp3 = v.source().replace('.shp', '') + '.shx'
fp4 = v.source().replace('.shp', '') + '.prj'
fp5 = v.source().replace('.shp', '') + '.prj'
print('Copying....', fn)
# Copy the shapefiles to new folder location...
shutil.copy( fp1, newFolder ) # shutil.copy( src, dst )
shutil.copy( fp2, newFolder )
shutil.copy( fp3, newFolder )
shutil.copy( fp4, newFolder )
shutil.copy( fp5, newFolder )
# break
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