Sunday, November 4, 2018

Installed Python Libraries on QGIS Vs Anaconda

As some one who uses Python for Geospatial development, I was tempted to know what modules are installed on QGIS python environment compared to that of Anaconda python.

On the console of the two platforms, I executed this: help('modules') and I got the following out puts.


MetaSearch console mkgraticule sre_parse
PyQt5 contextlib mmap ssl
__future__ copy mmapfile sspi
_ast copyreg mmsystem sspicon
_asyncio crypt mock stat
_bisect csv modulefinder statistics
_blake2 ctypes msilib string
_bootlocale curses msvcrt stringprep
_bz2 cycler multiprocessing struct
_codecs datetime nbformat subprocess
_codecs_cn dateutil netbios sunau
_codecs_hk db_manager netrc symbol
_codecs_iso2022 dbi networkx symtable
_codecs_jp dbm nntplib sys
_codecs_kr dde nose2 sysconfig
_codecs_tw decimal nt tabnanny
_collections decorator ntpath tarfile
_collections_abc difflib ntsecuritycon telnetlib
_compat_pickle dis nturl2path tempfile
_compression distutils numbers textwrap
_csv doctest numpy this
_ctypes dummy_threading odbc threading
_datetime easy_install ogr time
_decimal email ogrmerge timeit
_dummy_thread encodings opcode timer
_elementtree ensurepip operator token
_functools enum optparse tokenize
_hashlib epsg_tr os trace
_heapq errno osgeo traceback
_imp esri2wkt osr tracemalloc
_io exifread owslib traitlets
_json expressions parser tty
_locale faulthandler past turtle
_lsprof filecmp pathlib types
_lzma fileinput pbr typing
_markupbase fnmatch pct2rgb unicodedata
_md5 formatter pdb unittest
_msi fractions perfmon urllib
_multibytecodec ftplib pickle urllib3
_multiprocessing functools pickletools uu
_opcode future pip uuid
_operator gc pipes venv
_osx_support gcps2vec pkg_resources warnings
_overlapped gcps2wld pkgutil wave
_pickle gdal platform weakref
_pydecimal gdal2tiles plistlib webbrowser
_pyio gdal2xyz plotly win2kras
_random gdal_auth poplib win32api
_sha1 gdal_calc posixpath win32clipboard
_sha256 gdal_edit pprint win32com
_sha3 gdal_fillnodata processing win32con
_sha512 gdal_merge profile win32console
_signal gdal_pansharpen pstats win32cred
_sitebuiltins gdal_polygonize psycopg2 win32crypt
_socket gdal_proximity pty win32cryptcon
_sqlite3 gdal_retile py_compile win32event
_sre gdal_sieve pyclbr win32evtlog
_ssl gdalchksum pydoc win32evtlogutil
_stat gdalcompare pydoc_data win32file
_string gdalconst pyexpat win32gui
_strptime gdalident pygments win32gui_struct
_struct gdalimport pylab win32help
_symtable gdalmove pyodbc win32inet
_thread gdalnumeric pyparsing win32inetcon
_threading_local genericpath pyplugin_installer win32job
_tracemalloc getopt pyproj win32lz
_warnings getpass pythoncom win32net
_weakref gettext pytz win32netcon
_weakrefset glob pywin win32pdh
_win32sysloader gnm pywin32_testutil win32pdhquery
_winapi gzip pywintypes win32pdhutil
_winxptheme hashlib qgis win32pipe
abc heapq queue win32print
adodbapi hmac quopri win32process
afxres html random win32profile
aifc http rasutil win32ras
antigravity httplib2 re win32rcparser
argparse idna regcheck win32security
array imaplib regutil win32service
ast imghdr reprlib win32serviceutil
asynchat imp requests win32timezone
asyncio importlib rgb2pct win32trace
asyncore inspect rlcompleter win32traceutil
atexit io runpy win32transaction
audioop ipaddress sched win32ts
base64 ipython_genutils scipy win32ui
bdb isapi secrets win32uiole
binascii itertools select win32verstamp
binhex jinja2 selectors win32wnet
bisect json servicemanager winerror
builtins jsonschema setuptools winioctlcon
bz2 jupyter shapely winnt
cProfile jupyter_core shelve winperf
calendar keyword shlex winreg
certifi lib2to3 shutil winsound
cgi libfuturize signal winxpgui
cgitb libpasteurize simplejson winxptheme
chardet linecache sip wsgiref
chunk locale sipconfig xdrlib
cmath logging sipdistutils xlrd
cmd lzma site xlwt
code macpath six xml
codecs macurl2path smtpd xmlrpc
codeop mailbox smtplib xxsubtype
collections mailcap sndhdr yaml
colorsys markupsafe socket zipapp
commctrl marshal socketserver zipfile
compileall math sqlite3 zipimport
concurrent matplotlib sre_compile zlib
configparser mimetypes sre_constants


Crypto bs4 mistune spyder
Cython builtins mkl spyder_breakpoints
IPython bz2 mmap spyder_io_dcm
OpenSSL cProfile mmapfile spyder_io_hdf5
PIL calendar mmsystem spyder_profiler
PyQt5 certifi modulefinder spyder_pylint
Script_v1 cffi mpmath sqlalchemy
__future__ cgi msgpack sqlite3
_ast cgitb msilib sre_compile
_asyncio chardet msvcrt sre_constants
_bisect chunk multipledispatch sre_parse
_blake2 click multiprocessing ssl
_bootlocale cloudpickle navigator_updater sspi
_bz2 clyent nbconvert sspicon
_cffi_backend cmath nbformat stat
_codecs cmd netbios statistics
_codecs_cn code netrc statsmodels
_codecs_hk codecs networkx storemagic
_codecs_iso2022 codeop nltk string
_codecs_jp collections nntplib stringprep
_codecs_kr colorama nose struct
_codecs_tw colorsys notebook subprocess
_collections commctrl nt sunau
_collections_abc compileall ntpath symbol
_compat_pickle comtypes ntsecuritycon sympy
_compression concurrent nturl2path sympyprinting
_csv conda numba symtable
_ctypes conda_build numbers sys
_ctypes_test conda_env numexpr sysconfig
_datetime conda_verify numpy tables
_decimal configparser numpydoc tabnanny
_dummy_thread contextlib odbc tarfile
_elementtree contextlib2 odo tblib
_findvs copy olefile telnetlib
_functools copyreg opcode tempfile
_hashlib crypt openpyxl terminado
_heapq cryptography operator test
_imp csv optparse test_path
_io ctypes os test_pycosat
_json curl packaging testpath
_locale curses pandas tests
_lsprof cwp pandocfilters textwrap
_lzma cycler parser this
_markupbase cython parso threading
_md5 cythonmagic partd time
_msi cytoolz path timeit
_multibytecodec dask pathlib timer
_multiprocessing datashape pathlib2 tkinter
_nsis datetime patsy tlz
_opcode dateutil pdb token
_operator dbi pep8 tokenize
_osx_support dbm perfmon toolz
_overlapped dde pickle tornado
_pickle decimal pickleshare trace
_pydecimal decorator pickletools traceback
_pyio difflib pip tracemalloc
_pytest dis pipes traitlets
_random distributed pkg_resources tty
_sha1 distutils pkginfo turtle
_sha256 doctest pkgutil turtledemo
_sha3 docutils platform types
_sha512 dummy_threading plistlib typing
_signal easy_install pluggy unicodecsv
_sitebuiltins email ply unicodedata
_socket encodings poplib unittest
_sqlite3 ensurepip posixpath urllib
_sre entrypoints pprint urllib3
_ssl enum profile uu
_stat errno prompt_toolkit uuid
_string et_xmlfile pstats venv
_strptime fastcache psutil warnings
_struct faulthandler pty wave
_symtable filecmp py wcwidth
_system_path fileinput py_compile weakref
_testbuffer filelock pyclbr webbrowser
_testcapi flask pycodestyle webencodings
_testconsole flask_cors pycosat werkzeug
_testimportmultiple fnmatch pycparser wheel
_testmultiphase formatter pycurl widgetsnbextension
_thread fractions pydoc win2kras
_threading_local ftplib pydoc_data win32api
_tkinter functools pyexpat win32clipboard
_tracemalloc gc pyflakes win32com
_warnings genericpath pygments win32con
_weakref getopt pylab win32console
_weakrefset getpass pylint win32cred
_win32sysloader gettext pyodbc win32crypt
_winapi gevent pyparsing win32cryptcon
_winxptheme glob pytest win32event
_yaml glob2 pythoncom win32evtlog
abc greenlet pytz win32evtlogutil
adodbapi gzip pywin win32file
afxres h5py pywin32_testutil win32gui
aifc hashlib pywintypes win32gui_struct
alabaster heapdict pywt win32help
anaconda_navigator heapq pyximport win32inet
anaconda_project hmac qtawesome win32inetcon
antigravity html qtconsole win32job
argparse html5lib qtpy win32lz
array http queue win32net
asn1crypto idlelib quopri win32netcon
ast idna random win32pdh
astroid imageio rasutil win32pdhquery
astropy imagesize re win32pdhutil
asynchat imaplib regcheck win32pipe
asyncio imghdr regutil win32print
asyncore imp reprlib win32process
atexit importlib requests win32profile
attr inspect rlcompleter win32ras
audioop io rmagic win32rcparser
autoreload ipaddress rope win32security
babel ipykernel ruamel_yaml win32service
backports ipykernel_launcher run win32serviceutil
base64 ipython_genutils runpy win32timezone
bdb ipywidgets sched win32trace
binascii isapi scipy win32traceutil
binhex isort scripts win32transaction
binstar_client itertools seaborn win32ts
bisect itsdangerous secrets win32ui
bitarray jdcal select win32uiole
bkcharts jedi selectors win32verstamp
blaze jinja2 selenium win32wnet
bleach json send2trash win_inet_pton
bokeh jsonschema servicemanager win_unicode_console
boto jupyter setuptools wincertstore
bottleneck jupyter_client shelve winerror
brain_attrs jupyter_console shlex winioctlcon
brain_builtin_inference jupyter_core shutil winnt
brain_collections jupyterlab signal winperf
brain_curses jupyterlab_launcher simplegeneric winpty
brain_dateutil keyword singledispatch winreg
brain_fstrings lazy_object_proxy singledispatch_helpers winsound
brain_functools lib2to3 sip winxpgui
brain_gi linecache sipconfig winxptheme
brain_hashlib llvmlite sipdistutils wrapt
brain_io locale site wsgiref
brain_mechanize locket six xdrlib
brain_multiprocessing logging skimage xlrd
brain_namedtuple_enum lxml sklearn xlsxwriter
brain_nose lzma smtpd xlwings
brain_numpy macpath smtplib xlwt
brain_pkg_resources macurl2path sndhdr xml
brain_pytest mailbox snowballstemmer xmlrpc
brain_qt mailcap socket xxsubtype
brain_re markupsafe socketserver yaml
brain_six marshal socks zict
brain_ssl math sockshandler zipapp
brain_subprocess matplotlib sortedcollections zipfile
brain_threading mccabe sortedcontainers zipimport
brain_typing menuinst sphinx zlib
brain_uuid mimetypes sphinxcontrib zmq

As it can be seen, the two python environments have a good number of modules (most of which I have and will never use 😏)

One important module that was missing for my use was the "Pandas" module. While in QGIS both "Pandas and Geopandas" were missing, in Anaconda only "Geopandas" was missing.

This could change in feature release of the software and I hope it comes sooner.

If you care to know what ESRI ArcGIS (ArcMap 10.5) has, here you got it below:-

AddGeometryAttributes _collections errno pydoc_data
BaseHTTPServer _csv exceptions pyexpat
Bastion _ctypes filecmp pylab
BatchDefineSR _ctypes_test fileinput pyparsing
BatchProject _dummy_thread fnmatch pythonaddins
BatchPyramids _elementtree formatter pytz
BatchStats _functools fpformat queue
CGIHTTPServer _hashlib fractions quopri
CalculateAreas _heapq ftplib random
CalculateDistanceBand _hotshot functools re
CalculateEndDate _io functools32 repr
Canvas _json future reprlib
CentralFeature _locale future_builtins requests
CollectEvents _lsprof gapy rexec
CompressFileGeodatabaseData _markupbase gc rfc822
ConfigParser _md5 generatepointsfromlines rlcompleter
ConversionUtils _msi genericpath robotparser
Cookie _multibytecodec getopt runpy
CreateFeaturesFromTextFile _multiprocessing getpass sched
CreateSQLiteDatabase _osx_support gettext scipy
Dialog _pyio glob select
DirToCatalog _random gzip sets
DirToGeodatabase _server_admin hashlib setuptools
DirToMosaic _sha heapq sgmllib
DirToNewMosaic _sha256 hmac sha
DirectionalMean _sha512 hostedgp shelve
DocXMLRPCServer _socket hotshot shlex
ErrorUtils _sqlite3 html shutil
ExcelToTable _sre htmlentitydefs signal
ExifUtils _ssl htmllib site
ExploratoryRegression _strptime http six
ExportRasters _struct httplib smtpd
ExportXYV _subprocess idlelib smtplib
ExtractData _symtable ihooks sndhdr
FeatureclassConversion _testcapi imageop socket
FileDialog _thread imaplib socketserver
FindClosestFacilities _threading_local imghdr splitbyattribute
FindRoutes _tkinter imp sqlite3
FixTk _warnings importe00 sre
GPXtoFeatures _weakref importlib sre_compile
GeneralG _weakrefset imputil sre_constants
GenerateOriginDestinationCostMatrix _winreg inspect sre_parse
GenerateServiceAreas abc io ssl
GenerateTessellation ago itertools stat
GetLayoutTemplatesInfo aifc json statvfs
Gi antigravity keyword string
HTMLParser anydbm lib2to3 stringold
IsoClusterUnsupervised arceditor libfuturize stringprep
KFunction arcengine libpasteurize strop
LocalMoran arcenginegeodb linecache struct
MeanCenter arcgisscripting locale subprocess
MedianCenter arcinfo logging sunau
MimeWriter arcpy macpath sunaudio
MoransI arcserver macurl2path symbol
MoransI_Increment arcview mailbox sympy
MoransI_Step argparse mailcap symtable
MultiRingBuffer array markupbase sys
NAUtils ast marshal sysconfig
NearestNeighbor asynchat matchphotostorowsbytime tabnanny
Network2SWM asyncore math tarfile
OLS atexit matplotlib telnetlib
OptimizedHotSpotAnalysis audiodev md5 tempfile
OptimizedOutlierAnalysis audioop mhlib tessellate
OverlayUtilities base64 mimetools test
Partition bdb mimetypes textwrap
PointToLine binascii mimify this
Queue binhex mmap thread
RasterConversion bisect modulefinder threading
SSCube bsddb mpmath time
SSDataObject builtins msilib timeit
SSReport bz2 msvcrt tkColorChooser
SSReportXML cPickle multifile tkCommonDialog
SSTimeUtilities cProfile multiprocessing tkFileDialog
SSUtilities cStringIO mutex tkFont
SWM2Table calendar mxd2webmap tkMessageBox
ScrolledText cgi netCDF4 tkSimpleDialog
SendEmailWithZip cgitb netCDF4_utils tkinter
Similarity chunk netcdftime toaiff
SimpleDialog cmath netrc token
SimpleHTTPServer cmd new tokenize
SimpleXMLRPCServer code nntplib trace
SocketServer codecs nose traceback
SolveLocationAllocation codeop nt ttk
SplineWithBarriers collections ntpath tty
StandardDistance colorsys nturl2path turtle
StandardEllipse commands numbers types
Stats compileall numpy unicodedata
StringIO compiler opcode unittest
TableConversion concurrent operator urllib
TableToExcel configparser optparse urllib2
Tix contextlib os urlparse
Tkconstants convert_spatial_units os2emxpath user
Tkdnd cookielib pandas uu
Tkinter copy parser uuid
Transpose copy_reg past warnings
UserDict copyreg pdb wave
UserList csv phototopoint weakref
UserString ctypes pickle webbrowser
Weights curses pickletools wheel
WeightsUtilities cycler pip whichdb
WriteFeaturesToTextFile datetime pipes winreg
_LWPCookieJar dateutil pkg_resources winsound
_MozillaCookieJar dbhash pkgutil wsgiref
__builtin__ decimal platform xdrlib
__future__ difflib plistlib xlrd
_abcoll dircache popen2 xlwt
_ast dis poplib xml
_bisect distutils posixfile xmllib
_bsddb doctest posixpath xmlrpc
_codecs dumbdbm pprint xmlrpclib
_codecs_cn dummy_thread profile xxsubtype
_codecs_hk dummy_threading pstats zipfile
_codecs_iso2022 easy_install pty zipimport
_codecs_jp email py_compile zlib
_codecs_kr encodings pyclbr
_codecs_tw ensurepip pydoc

Thank you for reading!

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