Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Drawing Site Plan with DraftSight a FREE Alternative to AutoCAD

There are many low budget or free Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software alternatives to Autodesk's AutoCAD out there and DraftSight is one of the best alternatives I have used.

Using the free version, you could plot or draw a professional survey plan just as you would do in AutoCAD. In this blog post, I will demonstrate how you will do just that using the free DraftSight CAD software. So, download the DraftSight here and follow the instructions below to activate it.

Instruction 1: Download the software from the link above and launch it to install

Instruction 2: Select Free option and click the next button as seen above.

Instruction 3: Accept the terms in the license agreement and install

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The difference between "Geocoding" and "Geolocation"

These two terms are often confused by users in of spatial data. Here is a quick explanation to help clarify the difference between the two. Both of these terms are consistently been misuse by people within the geospatial community.

Address: "Abuja International Conference Centre, Herbert Macaulay Way, Abuja, Nigeria"
Coordinates (in 3D): "Latitude: 9.0438014, Longitude: 7.4919024, Sea level: 503m"

Looking at the landmark address above and its corresponding coordinates in three-dimension (3D), we could say:-

Geocoding - means to 'Convert addresses to geographic coordinates, or the reverse'. While  Geolocation - means to 'Return the precise location of a device based on Wi-Fi or cell towers'.

More elaburate explanation from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:-

Geocoding is the computational process of transforming a physical address description to a location on the Earth's surface (spatial representation in numerical coordinates). Reverse geocoding, on the other hand, converts geographic coordinates to a description of a location, usually the name of a place or an addressable location. Geocoding relies on a computer representation of address points, the street / road network, together with postal and administrative boundaries.

Geolocation is the identification or estimation of the real-world geographic location of an object, such as a radar source, mobile phone, or Internet-connected computer terminal. In its simplest form geolocation involves the generation of a set of geographic coordinates and is closely related to the use of positioning systems, but its usefulness is enhanced by the use of these coordinates to determine a meaningful location, such as a street address.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Installed Python Libraries on QGIS Vs Anaconda

As some one who uses Python for Geospatial development, I was tempted to know what modules are installed on QGIS python environment compared to that of Anaconda python.

On the console of the two platforms, I executed this: help('modules') and I got the following out puts.


MetaSearch console mkgraticule sre_parse
PyQt5 contextlib mmap ssl
__future__ copy mmapfile sspi
_ast copyreg mmsystem sspicon
_asyncio crypt mock stat
_bisect csv modulefinder statistics
_blake2 ctypes msilib string
_bootlocale curses msvcrt stringprep
_bz2 cycler multiprocessing struct
_codecs datetime nbformat subprocess
_codecs_cn dateutil netbios sunau
_codecs_hk db_manager netrc symbol
_codecs_iso2022 dbi networkx symtable
_codecs_jp dbm nntplib sys
_codecs_kr dde nose2 sysconfig
_codecs_tw decimal nt tabnanny
_collections decorator ntpath tarfile
_collections_abc difflib ntsecuritycon telnetlib
_compat_pickle dis nturl2path tempfile
_compression distutils numbers textwrap
_csv doctest numpy this
_ctypes dummy_threading odbc threading
_datetime easy_install ogr time
_decimal email ogrmerge timeit
_dummy_thread encodings opcode timer
_elementtree ensurepip operator token
_functools enum optparse tokenize
_hashlib epsg_tr os trace
_heapq errno osgeo traceback
_imp esri2wkt osr tracemalloc
_io exifread owslib traitlets
_json expressions parser tty
_locale faulthandler past turtle
_lsprof filecmp pathlib types
_lzma fileinput pbr typing
_markupbase fnmatch pct2rgb unicodedata
_md5 formatter pdb unittest
_msi fractions perfmon urllib
_multibytecodec ftplib pickle urllib3
_multiprocessing functools pickletools uu
_opcode future pip uuid
_operator gc pipes venv
_osx_support gcps2vec pkg_resources warnings
_overlapped gcps2wld pkgutil wave
_pickle gdal platform weakref
_pydecimal gdal2tiles plistlib webbrowser
_pyio gdal2xyz plotly win2kras
_random gdal_auth poplib win32api
_sha1 gdal_calc posixpath win32clipboard
_sha256 gdal_edit pprint win32com
_sha3 gdal_fillnodata processing win32con
_sha512 gdal_merge profile win32console
_signal gdal_pansharpen pstats win32cred
_sitebuiltins gdal_polygonize psycopg2 win32crypt
_socket gdal_proximity pty win32cryptcon
_sqlite3 gdal_retile py_compile win32event
_sre gdal_sieve pyclbr win32evtlog
_ssl gdalchksum pydoc win32evtlogutil
_stat gdalcompare pydoc_data win32file
_string gdalconst pyexpat win32gui
_strptime gdalident pygments win32gui_struct
_struct gdalimport pylab win32help
_symtable gdalmove pyodbc win32inet
_thread gdalnumeric pyparsing win32inetcon
_threading_local genericpath pyplugin_installer win32job
_tracemalloc getopt pyproj win32lz
_warnings getpass pythoncom win32net
_weakref gettext pytz win32netcon
_weakrefset glob pywin win32pdh
_win32sysloader gnm pywin32_testutil win32pdhquery
_winapi gzip pywintypes win32pdhutil
_winxptheme hashlib qgis win32pipe
abc heapq queue win32print
adodbapi hmac quopri win32process
afxres html random win32profile
aifc http rasutil win32ras
antigravity httplib2 re win32rcparser
argparse idna regcheck win32security
array imaplib regutil win32service
ast imghdr reprlib win32serviceutil
asynchat imp requests win32timezone
asyncio importlib rgb2pct win32trace
asyncore inspect rlcompleter win32traceutil
atexit io runpy win32transaction
audioop ipaddress sched win32ts
base64 ipython_genutils scipy win32ui
bdb isapi secrets win32uiole
binascii itertools select win32verstamp
binhex jinja2 selectors win32wnet
bisect json servicemanager winerror
builtins jsonschema setuptools winioctlcon
bz2 jupyter shapely winnt
cProfile jupyter_core shelve winperf
calendar keyword shlex winreg
certifi lib2to3 shutil winsound
cgi libfuturize signal winxpgui
cgitb libpasteurize simplejson winxptheme
chardet linecache sip wsgiref
chunk locale sipconfig xdrlib
cmath logging sipdistutils xlrd
cmd lzma site xlwt
code macpath six xml
codecs macurl2path smtpd xmlrpc
codeop mailbox smtplib xxsubtype
collections mailcap sndhdr yaml
colorsys markupsafe socket zipapp
commctrl marshal socketserver zipfile
compileall math sqlite3 zipimport
concurrent matplotlib sre_compile zlib
configparser mimetypes sre_constants