Friday, October 23, 2020

Download image files using python requests module

 Here I have list of data with links to their corresponding images. Specifically, this is a list of presidents in the USA and Nigeria.

I have to download the images/photos. So, I wrote a python script that uses the requests library to download the images as seen below:-

There are two approaches when saving an image file (or any file) on the hard disk. One is using the open with close methods or using the with statement.

import requests
import pandas as pd

image_url = ""

# -------- 1st approach ------------

response = requests.get(image_url)

img_file = open("downloaded_img/sample_image.png", "wb")

# -------- 2nd approach ------------

img_file = requests.get(image_url).content
with open('downloaded_img/image_name.jpg', 'wb') as f:

Downloading the US presidents photos:-

us_presidents_df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Yusuf_08039508010\Desktop\US Presidents\USA List.csv")

# Bulk processing....
for name, img in zip(us_presidents_df['Name'], us_presidents_df['Image']):
    print('Processing....', name, img)
    img_file = requests.get(img).content
    with open('downloaded_img/US Presidents/'+name+'.jpg', 'wb') as f:

Downloading Nigerian presidents photos:-

nigeria_presidents_df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Yusuf_08039508010\Desktop\NG List.csv")

for name, img in zip(nigeria_presidents_df['Name'], nigeria_presidents_df['Image']):
    print('Processing....', name, img)
    response = requests.get(img)

    img_file = open('downloaded_img/NG Presidents/'+name+'.png', "wb")

That is it!

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