Monday, October 7, 2019

Filtering Missing Zip codes out of master Zip codes list

Here I have a list of zip codes, I want to know the missing zip code from the given list (these are the postal code in Texas, USA).

List 'available_zipcodes' contains the master zip codes and list 'given_zipcodes' contain the provided or working zip codes. Now I want check and filter out those zipcode that are NOT in the master zip codes.

These three lines of python code below will do it. It uses the 'for' loop with and 'if' statement. Basically, we loop through the list of 'given_zipcodes' and if it is not in the 'available_zipcodes', then we print it out.

If you care to run the script and don't want to type all that out, here below is the Code is...

available_zipcodes = [77389, 77086, 77346, 77018, 77040, 77388, 77065, 77080, 77041, 77396, 77385, 77354, 77382, 77067, 77066, 77090, 77345, 77355, 77373, 77339, 77043, 77302, 77304, 77070, 77375, 77095, 77433, 77069, 77038, 77091, 77380, 77092, 77316, 77429, 77377, 77379, 77064, 77088, 77338, 77449, 77386, 77381, 77493, 77356, 77068, 77014, 77084, 77055, 77301, 77303, 77384]

given_zipcodes = [77325, 77339, 77345, 77346, 77380, 77381, 77382, 77383, 77384, 77385, 77386, 77301, 77302, 77303, 77304, 77316, 77354, 77356, 77389, 77014, 77018, 77038, 77040, 77041, 77043, 77055, 77064, 77065, 77066, 77067, 77068, 77069, 77070, 77080, 77084, 77086, 77088, 77090, 77091, 77092, 77095, 77375, 77377, 77379, 77388, 77429, 77433, 77449, 77493, 77373, 77338, 77347, 77391, 77396, 77355]

for zipcode in given_zipcodes:
    if zipcode not in available_zipcodes:

In the case above, the missing zip codes are: 77325, 77383, 77347, 77391

Note: In a production job. these zip codes will probably come in a text file, just read the file into python lists and loop through as seen above.

That is it!

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