Monday, April 1, 2019

How to Setup Geo-tagging on photos taken by Smart Phone Camera

Today, it is very common for people to use their smart phones to take pictures of locations they visited. However, very few of them know that they can actually tag the pictures with the latitude, longitude and altitude of the places.

In this post, I will show you how enable GPS on your smart phone so that the pictures you snap with the camera adds geo data (latitude, longitude and altitude) to the photos.

This feature is mostly disabled by default on most smart phones. There will be different ways to enable the feature on different phones, here I will use android device for my demonstration.

Android users follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to your phone "Settings".

Step 2: Under personal group of settings icons, select "Location" and turn it on.

Step 3: Now that you got your phone location sensor on, open you camera and select the option button. There you will find "GPS Location Info", turn it on if it is off.

Any picture you take with these settings above properly enabled, will link that picture with GPS coordinate of the location.

How to view the GPS data:

There several ways to view your picture GPS information. You can use online tool to view it or you can do this on your phone using an app to view the picture meta data. Or you can copy the picture onto a computer then open the picture's property. These are three effective ways to viewing a geo-tagged picture GPS information.

This information is made available as part of the picture's “EXIF Data”. EXIF - EXchangeable Image file Format is a standard that specifies the formats for images, sound, and ancillary tags used by digital cameras, scanners and other systems handling image and sound files recorded by digital cameras.

Let's take a look at each approach in more detail below:-

Viewing the GPS data on a computer:

Copy the picture from your phone to a computer, then right click on it and select "Properties". Click on the "Details" tab to see the picture's GPS information and other meta data.

Viewing the GPS data on a phone:

To view on android phone, we will use app named "Photo EXIF Editor". Download and install the app, then launch it and select the picture to see the GPS data under "Geolocation" tab.

Viewing the GPS data using an online tool:

Here I will use the online tool named "EXIF Info" available at this web address.

To use it, simply access the website and upload your geo-tagged picture, then click on upload file. The picture's metadata including it's GPS data will be displayed on the result page as seen below...

Note: If can't find GPS data on the picture, then it means the pictures was taken without the camera's "GPS Location Info" enabled.

That is it! I hope you find it useful.

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