In this post, we will use free software to extract height/elevation/altitude of points above sea level for any location in the world from DEM (digital elevation model) databases. This is fairly good data for drawing contour maps, draw a profile of a track or to colorize points by height above sea level.
The sources of the elevation data is from a DEM (digital elevation model) databases as explained below:-
DEM data sources
The sources of the elevation data is from a DEM (digital elevation model) databases as explained below:-
DEM data sources
USGS: NED The U.S. Geological Survey's excellent National Elevation Dataset covers the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 1 arc-second (~30-meter) horizontal resolution is available in most areas (NED1). For Alaska, 60-meter data is also available (NED2).
NASA: SRTM1 NASA's SRTM1 database (from the Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) has a resolution of about 30 meters. Previously, SRTM1 data was only available for the United States (and was not very useful because NED1 is generally better), but recently NASA has released SRTM1 tiles for the entire world. GPS Visualizer's server does not contain the full global dataset, but it does contain all of Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, as well as parts of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Additional locations will be installed upon request.
ASTER: The ASTER GDEM is a joint product of NASA and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). ASTER has very good 30-meter coverage of the entire world, but the awkward download process and the massive size of the database make it impractical to store all of it on ASTER files for Iceland are available, however, since none of the other 30-meter databases cover that area. (As with SRTM1 data, additional files can be added upon request.)
NASA: SRTM3 NASA's SRTM3 dataset includes 90-meter resolution for the entire world.