Sample Maps

Thank you for visiting this page. Here below are some recent mapping and GIS projects I have completed for different clients across the globe.

Click on each to enlarge or watch the video...

Happy viewing... :)

Grazing Paddocks

Land Use Plan of Gunki Layout

Georgia Zip Codes Analysis Map

Wind Speed Map of Nigeria 

Active Aging Centre and Resale Price Map

Map of Feb DH Hot Chocolate Campaign

Map of a Book: 'The Lost Spiral'

Map of Portuguese-Speaking African Countries

Interactive Foodbank Map

Network Analysis

LULC Change Detection Map

Topographic Map of Texas state

Study Area Map

Minimalist Map of Abuja, Nigeria

Atlas Map of Nigeria General Election

Map Sales in state of Louisiana

Map of study area (Bida LGA, Niger state Nigeria)

Map exhibition at Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa

Brokerlistusa City map

Folium map 

Gwarinpa Street Guide Map

Castles and Palaces in city of Salzburg


Solid Mineral map

Plateau state ward map

Ireland Sample Map

Django Web Map

Merge Polygon Map

Folium Heatmap

Custom MapSVG Plugin Map

Django Web Tiles Map

Django Twitter Query Map

Google Map with JavaScript API

Clickable road map with SVG

Switzerland Municipalities

Convert plot map into HTML/CSS web page

Zip Code Map - Houston, Texas

Sewage Types

Country Level, Fishnet Grid Square Maps

Project Map

Demo map Kebbi state, Hausa Language

Buildings Footprint, Houston Tx USA

Outlier Example

Langebaan Map Overlay - South Africa

AutoCAD Map (Riyadh Saudi Arabia - 24.776530, 46.750953)

Houston Three Zones

Ancient Europe war spots

Map Dashboard

Map Dashboard

Endemic Classification

Tammany Hills Buildings, Covington LA

Driving Sites London

Detroit, Michigan USA

Observations in South-East Senatorial Zone

Soil Sample Points

Google Earth Pro

Arizona Public Schools 

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) image based on ASTER GDEM V2 - US Mexican Border

Edo State South Senatorial District

Kwara State, LGAs and Wards Map

Evolution of Nigerian States

MTR-Exit Stations in ArcGIS Online 

Great Karu Urban Area, Nasrawa State

Edo State

Lagos State, LGAs and Wards Boundary Maps

Gedo, Somalia

Nearest Point to Path Analysis

US Cities

 Vector Map of Lagos City

Modern Map of Kano city Gates (Kofa)

Indianapolis city 

Buffer Map (1km = 0.011 Degree)

LeafLet Map of some Global Citations

England and Wales

USA Wedding Subscription Map

Interactive Map

Heat Map of Charlotte, North Carolina

Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) in QGIS

Map of Jeju Island

3D Buildings map of Bayero University Kano (BUK) Newsite campus

US Geo-coded Addresses

US Geo-coded Addresses

Houston School

Viz Map Oakland

Lot Mapping

World Sea Ports

US Property Tax by State

World Airports

Digitizing Map of Nigeria States, LGAs, and Wards

North America regions

Google map Dubai

Choropleth map of Africa

World map web based version

HTML World map

HTML South America web based map

Nasarawa State Map in Nigeria

Simple Boundary Map

Admin boundary map of Nigeria

Kaduna state of Nigeria LGA major Road Map

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