Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Fantasy Maps, Fantasy Cartography, Fictional Map-making, or Geofiction

Over the years, I have encountered clients who needed fantasy maps for books or novels which they are writing. These authors usually contract me to develop an imaginative map to complement the characters or world they are building in their storyline.

I will like to call these type of fantasy maps as imaginative map or mystic maps or mythical maps or adventure maps or fictional maps or map of nowhere. Whatever you decide to call such maps, it is basically a map that doesn't represent any location in the real world.

In this post, let's take a look at: What is a fantasy map? What professionals are responsible for making fantasy map? How to make a fantasy map? What technical skills are required for making fantasy maps? What elements are required to be shown on a fantasy map?

What is a fantasy map?

According to Wikipedia, fantasy map is a type of map design that visually presents an imaginary world or concept, or represents a real-world geography in a fantastic style.

Where are fantasy maps use?

Fantasy maps are used in a variety of contexts, primarily where imagination and creativity play a significant role such as in novel/book, Role-Playing Game (RPG), film/drama, or just for fun story telling.

What professionals are responsible for making fantasy map?

Cartographers are the professionals primarily responsible for creating fantasy maps. While the term "cartographer" is often associated with real-world geography, it can also extend to the imaginative realms of fantasy.

In addition to cartographers, artists, writers, and game designers also contribute to the creation of fantasy maps. Artists visualize the map, bringing it to life with illustrations and colors. Writers develop the backstory and lore of the fantasy world, providing context for the map. Game designers incorporate the map into the gameplay, ensuring that it is both visually appealing and functional.

What technical skills are required for making fantasy maps?

Technical Skills for Making Fantasy Maps are;-

  • Drawing and Illustration skills
  • Design and Layout skills
  • Geography and Cartography skills

What elements are required to be shown on a fantasy map?

The Essential Elements for a Fantasy Map include: Landmasses, Bodies of water, Terrain, Borders, Roads, Enchanted forests, Compass rose, Legend or key.

How to make a fantasy map?

Since fantasy maps are not really representing a geographical location in reality, a GIS software won't be necessary. There are tools/software that specializes in making fantasy maps such as:

This tools mainly focus on bringing imaginations into map instead of enforcing geographic location representation.

Also if you are skilled in graphic design software such as Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape, Coreldraw etc you could make fantasy maps.

Examples of fantasy maps

A fantastic examples of fantasy maps I found is that in the portfolio by Deranged Doctor Design (DDD). On the DDD portfolio page, you will see several examples of how a digital fantasy map was made out of hand drawn imagination.

Another source is the by Josh Stolarz

Another example is "The Edge Chronicles started with the map"

Also meet Jessica Khoury with beautiful fictional maps in her portfolio.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Extracting image Geographic metadata in Python

 Here I got hundreds of pictures captured during a field trip. Each picture has its GPS or geographical coordinates embedded in its metadata. These pictures' metadata are stored in EXIF standard (read about other standards from this link). EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format. It stores technical information about an image and its capture method, such as exposure settings, capture time, GPS location information and camera model.

The EXIF metadata can contain many attributes (approximately 270 attributes) as listed below. This attribute will depend on the camera capability and the purpose of the picture captured.

InteropIndex, ProcessingSoftware, NewSubfileType, SubfileType, ImageWidth, ImageLength, BitsPerSample, Compression, PhotometricInterpretation, Thresholding, CellWidth, CellLength, FillOrder, DocumentName, ImageDescription, Make, Model, StripOffsets, Orientation, SamplesPerPixel, RowsPerStrip, StripByteCounts, MinSampleValue, MaxSampleValue, XResolution, YResolution, PlanarConfiguration, PageName, FreeOffsets, FreeByteCounts, GrayResponseUnit, GrayResponseCurve, T4Options, T6Options, ResolutionUnit, PageNumber, TransferFunction, Software, DateTime, Artist, HostComputer, Predictor, WhitePoint, PrimaryChromaticities, ColorMap, HalftoneHints, TileWidth, TileLength, TileOffsets, TileByteCounts, SubIFDs, InkSet, InkNames, NumberOfInks, DotRange, TargetPrinter, ExtraSamples, SampleFormat, SMinSampleValue, SMaxSampleValue, TransferRange, ClipPath, XClipPathUnits, YClipPathUnits, Indexed, JPEGTables, OPIProxy, JPEGProc, JpegIFOffset, JpegIFByteCount, JpegRestartInterval, JpegLosslessPredictors, JpegPointTransforms, JpegQTables, JpegDCTables, JpegACTables, YCbCrCoefficients, YCbCrSubSampling, YCbCrPositioning, ReferenceBlackWhite, XMLPacket, RelatedImageFileFormat, RelatedImageWidth, RelatedImageLength, Rating, RatingPercent, ImageID, CFARepeatPatternDim, BatteryLevel, Copyright, ExposureTime, FNumber, IPTCNAA, ImageResources, ExifOffset, InterColorProfile, ExposureProgram, SpectralSensitivity, GPSInfo, ISOSpeedRatings, OECF, Interlace, TimeZoneOffset, SelfTimerMode, SensitivityType, StandardOutputSensitivity, RecommendedExposureIndex, ISOSpeed, ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy, ISOSpeedLatitudezzz, ExifVersion, DateTimeOriginal, DateTimeDigitized, OffsetTime, OffsetTimeOriginal, OffsetTimeDigitized, ComponentsConfiguration, CompressedBitsPerPixel, ShutterSpeedValue, ApertureValue, BrightnessValue, ExposureBiasValue, MaxApertureValue, SubjectDistance, MeteringMode, LightSource, Flash, FocalLength, Noise, ImageNumber, SecurityClassification, ImageHistory, TIFF/EPStandardID, MakerNote, UserComment, SubsecTime, SubsecTimeOriginal, SubsecTimeDigitized, AmbientTemperature, Humidity, Pressure, WaterDepth, Acceleration, CameraElevationAngle, XPTitle, XPComment, XPAuthor, XPKeywords, XPSubject, FlashPixVersion, ColorSpace, ExifImageWidth, ExifImageHeight, RelatedSoundFile, ExifInteroperabilityOffset, FlashEnergy, SpatialFrequencyResponse, FocalPlaneXResolution, FocalPlaneYResolution, FocalPlaneResolutionUnit, SubjectLocation, ExposureIndex, SensingMethod, FileSource, SceneType, CFAPattern, CustomRendered, ExposureMode, WhiteBalance, DigitalZoomRatio, FocalLengthIn35mmFilm, SceneCaptureType, GainControl, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness, DeviceSettingDescription, SubjectDistanceRange, ImageUniqueID, CameraOwnerName, BodySerialNumber, LensSpecification, LensMake, LensModel, LensSerialNumber, CompositeImage, CompositeImageCount, CompositeImageExposureTimes, Gamma, PrintImageMatching, DNGVersion, DNGBackwardVersion, UniqueCameraModel, LocalizedCameraModel, CFAPlaneColor, CFALayout, LinearizationTable, BlackLevelRepeatDim, BlackLevel, BlackLevelDeltaH, BlackLevelDeltaV, WhiteLevel, DefaultScale, DefaultCropOrigin, DefaultCropSize, ColorMatrix1, ColorMatrix2, CameraCalibration1, CameraCalibration2, ReductionMatrix1, ReductionMatrix2, AnalogBalance, AsShotNeutral, AsShotWhiteXY, BaselineExposure, BaselineNoise, BaselineSharpness, BayerGreenSplit, LinearResponseLimit, CameraSerialNumber, LensInfo, ChromaBlurRadius, AntiAliasStrength, ShadowScale, DNGPrivateData, MakerNoteSafety, CalibrationIlluminant1, CalibrationIlluminant2, BestQualityScale, RawDataUniqueID, OriginalRawFileName, OriginalRawFileData, ActiveArea, MaskedAreas, AsShotICCProfile, AsShotPreProfileMatrix, CurrentICCProfile, CurrentPreProfileMatrix, ColorimetricReference, CameraCalibrationSignature, ProfileCalibrationSignature, AsShotProfileName, NoiseReductionApplied, ProfileName, ProfileHueSatMapDims, ProfileHueSatMapData1, ProfileHueSatMapData2, ProfileToneCurve, ProfileEmbedPolicy, ProfileCopyright, ForwardMatrix1, ForwardMatrix2, PreviewApplicationName, PreviewApplicationVersion, PreviewSettingsName, PreviewSettingsDigest, PreviewColorSpace, PreviewDateTime, RawImageDigest, OriginalRawFileDigest, SubTileBlockSize, RowInterleaveFactor, ProfileLookTableDims, ProfileLookTableData, OpcodeList1, OpcodeList2, OpcodeList3, NoiseProfile, SpatialFrequencyResponse, SubjectLocation, ExposureIndex, CFAPattern, FlashEnergy

In our case here, the EXIF metadata attribute we are interested in is the GPSInfo. As seen above, it contains the latitude, longitude and altitude of the picture.

Lets extract this attribute information using python.

We are going to use the PIL library to read the EXIF metadata into pandas dataframe. Lets import the required modules.

import glob
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image, ExifTags
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS

The dictionary of all available EXIF metadata attributes can be accessed using ExifTags.TAGS as follow:-

{1: 'InteropIndex', 11: 'ProcessingSoftware', 254: 'NewSubfileType', 255: 'SubfileType', 256: 'ImageWidth', 257: 'ImageLength', 258: 'BitsPerSample', 259: 'Compression', 262: 'PhotometricInterpretation', 263: 'Thresholding', 264: 'CellWidth', 265: 'CellLength', 266: 'FillOrder', 269: 'DocumentName', 270: 'ImageDescription', 271: 'Make', 272: 'Model', 273: 'StripOffsets', 274: 'Orientation', 277: 'SamplesPerPixel', 278: 'RowsPerStrip', 279: 'StripByteCounts', 280: 'MinSampleValue', 281: 'MaxSampleValue', 282: 'XResolution', 283: 'YResolution', 284: 'PlanarConfiguration', 285: 'PageName', 288: 'FreeOffsets', 289: 'FreeByteCounts', 290: 'GrayResponseUnit', 291: 'GrayResponseCurve', 292: 'T4Options', 293: 'T6Options', 296: 'ResolutionUnit', 297: 'PageNumber', 301: 'TransferFunction', 305: 'Software', 306: 'DateTime', 315: 'Artist', 316: 'HostComputer', 317: 'Predictor', 318: 'WhitePoint', 319: 'PrimaryChromaticities', 320: 'ColorMap', 321: 'HalftoneHints', 322: 'TileWidth', 323: 'TileLength', 324: 'TileOffsets', 325: 'TileByteCounts', 330: 'SubIFDs', 332: 'InkSet', 333: 'InkNames', 334: 'NumberOfInks', 336: 'DotRange', 337: 'TargetPrinter', 338: 'ExtraSamples', 339: 'SampleFormat', 340: 'SMinSampleValue', 341: 'SMaxSampleValue', 342: 'TransferRange', 343: 'ClipPath', 344: 'XClipPathUnits', 345: 'YClipPathUnits', 346: 'Indexed', 347: 'JPEGTables', 351: 'OPIProxy', 512: 'JPEGProc', 513: 'JpegIFOffset', 514: 'JpegIFByteCount', 515: 'JpegRestartInterval', 517: 'JpegLosslessPredictors', 518: 'JpegPointTransforms', 519: 'JpegQTables', 520: 'JpegDCTables', 521: 'JpegACTables', 529: 'YCbCrCoefficients', 530: 'YCbCrSubSampling', 531: 'YCbCrPositioning', 532: 'ReferenceBlackWhite', 700: 'XMLPacket', 4096: 'RelatedImageFileFormat', 4097: 'RelatedImageWidth', 4098: 'RelatedImageLength', 18246: 'Rating', 18249: 'RatingPercent', 32781: 'ImageID', 33421: 'CFARepeatPatternDim', 33423: 'BatteryLevel', 33432: 'Copyright', 33434: 'ExposureTime', 33437: 'FNumber', 33723: 'IPTCNAA', 34377: 'ImageResources', 34665: 'ExifOffset', 34675: 'InterColorProfile', 34850: 'ExposureProgram', 34852: 'SpectralSensitivity', 34853: 'GPSInfo', 34855: 'ISOSpeedRatings', 34856: 'OECF', 34857: 'Interlace', 34858: 'TimeZoneOffset', 34859: 'SelfTimerMode', 34864: 'SensitivityType', 34865: 'StandardOutputSensitivity', 34866: 'RecommendedExposureIndex', 34867: 'ISOSpeed', 34868: 'ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy', 34869: 'ISOSpeedLatitudezzz', 36864: 'ExifVersion', 36867: 'DateTimeOriginal', 36868: 'DateTimeDigitized', 36880: 'OffsetTime', 36881: 'OffsetTimeOriginal', 36882: 'OffsetTimeDigitized', 37121: 'ComponentsConfiguration', 37122: 'CompressedBitsPerPixel', 37377: 'ShutterSpeedValue', 37378: 'ApertureValue', 37379: 'BrightnessValue', 37380: 'ExposureBiasValue', 37381: 'MaxApertureValue', 37382: 'SubjectDistance', 37383: 'MeteringMode', 37384: 'LightSource', 37385: 'Flash', 37386: 'FocalLength', 37389: 'Noise', 37393: 'ImageNumber', 37394: 'SecurityClassification', 37395: 'ImageHistory', 37398: 'TIFF/EPStandardID', 37500: 'MakerNote', 37510: 'UserComment', 37520: 'SubsecTime', 37521: 'SubsecTimeOriginal', 37522: 'SubsecTimeDigitized', 37888: 'AmbientTemperature', 37889: 'Humidity', 37890: 'Pressure', 37891: 'WaterDepth', 37892: 'Acceleration', 37893: 'CameraElevationAngle', 40091: 'XPTitle', 40092: 'XPComment', 40093: 'XPAuthor', 40094: 'XPKeywords', 40095: 'XPSubject', 40960: 'FlashPixVersion', 40961: 'ColorSpace', 40962: 'ExifImageWidth', 40963: 'ExifImageHeight', 40964: 'RelatedSoundFile', 40965: 'ExifInteroperabilityOffset', 41483: 'FlashEnergy', 41484: 'SpatialFrequencyResponse', 41486: 'FocalPlaneXResolution', 41487: 'FocalPlaneYResolution', 41488: 'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit', 41492: 'SubjectLocation', 41493: 'ExposureIndex', 41495: 'SensingMethod', 41728: 'FileSource', 41729: 'SceneType', 41730: 'CFAPattern', 41985: 'CustomRendered', 41986: 'ExposureMode', 41987: 'WhiteBalance', 41988: 'DigitalZoomRatio', 41989: 'FocalLengthIn35mmFilm', 41990: 'SceneCaptureType', 41991: 'GainControl', 41992: 'Contrast', 41993: 'Saturation', 41994: 'Sharpness', 41995: 'DeviceSettingDescription', 41996: 'SubjectDistanceRange', 42016: 'ImageUniqueID', 42032: 'CameraOwnerName', 42033: 'BodySerialNumber', 42034: 'LensSpecification', 42035: 'LensMake', 42036: 'LensModel', 42037: 'LensSerialNumber', 42080: 'CompositeImage', 42081: 'CompositeImageCount', 42082: 'CompositeImageExposureTimes', 42240: 'Gamma', 50341: 'PrintImageMatching', 50706: 'DNGVersion', 50707: 'DNGBackwardVersion', 50708: 'UniqueCameraModel', 50709: 'LocalizedCameraModel', 50710: 'CFAPlaneColor', 50711: 'CFALayout', 50712: 'LinearizationTable', 50713: 'BlackLevelRepeatDim', 50714: 'BlackLevel', 50715: 'BlackLevelDeltaH', 50716: 'BlackLevelDeltaV', 50717: 'WhiteLevel', 50718: 'DefaultScale', 50719: 'DefaultCropOrigin', 50720: 'DefaultCropSize', 50721: 'ColorMatrix1', 50722: 'ColorMatrix2', 50723: 'CameraCalibration1', 50724: 'CameraCalibration2', 50725: 'ReductionMatrix1', 50726: 'ReductionMatrix2', 50727: 'AnalogBalance', 50728: 'AsShotNeutral', 50729: 'AsShotWhiteXY', 50730: 'BaselineExposure', 50731: 'BaselineNoise', 50732: 'BaselineSharpness', 50733: 'BayerGreenSplit', 50734: 'LinearResponseLimit', 50735: 'CameraSerialNumber', 50736: 'LensInfo', 50737: 'ChromaBlurRadius', 50738: 'AntiAliasStrength', 50739: 'ShadowScale', 50740: 'DNGPrivateData', 50741: 'MakerNoteSafety', 50778: 'CalibrationIlluminant1', 50779: 'CalibrationIlluminant2', 50780: 'BestQualityScale', 50781: 'RawDataUniqueID', 50827: 'OriginalRawFileName', 50828: 'OriginalRawFileData', 50829: 'ActiveArea', 50830: 'MaskedAreas', 50831: 'AsShotICCProfile', 50832: 'AsShotPreProfileMatrix', 50833: 'CurrentICCProfile', 50834: 'CurrentPreProfileMatrix', 50879: 'ColorimetricReference', 50931: 'CameraCalibrationSignature', 50932: 'ProfileCalibrationSignature', 50934: 'AsShotProfileName', 50935: 'NoiseReductionApplied', 50936: 'ProfileName', 50937: 'ProfileHueSatMapDims', 50938: 'ProfileHueSatMapData1', 50939: 'ProfileHueSatMapData2', 50940: 'ProfileToneCurve', 50941: 'ProfileEmbedPolicy', 50942: 'ProfileCopyright', 50964: 'ForwardMatrix1', 50965: 'ForwardMatrix2', 50966: 'PreviewApplicationName', 50967: 'PreviewApplicationVersion', 50968: 'PreviewSettingsName', 50969: 'PreviewSettingsDigest', 50970: 'PreviewColorSpace', 50971: 'PreviewDateTime', 50972: 'RawImageDigest', 50973: 'OriginalRawFileDigest', 50974: 'SubTileBlockSize', 50975: 'RowInterleaveFactor', 50981: 'ProfileLookTableDims', 50982: 'ProfileLookTableData', 51008: 'OpcodeList1', 51009: 'OpcodeList2', 51022: 'OpcodeList3', 51041: 'NoiseProfile', 37388: 'SpatialFrequencyResponse', 37396: 'SubjectLocation', 37397: 'ExposureIndex', 33422: 'CFAPattern', 37387: 'FlashEnergy'}

You can export this into a user friendly spreadsheet format using the following lines of code:-

df_exif_tags = pd.DataFrame([ExifTags.TAGS]).T
df_exif_tags.to_excel('EXIF.xlsx', index=True)

We can use this img._getexif().items() to access the specific EXIF metadata attributes available in a picture after reading it like so;-

images = glob.glob(r'Field Trip Map\30-08-2024_05-00-34_7579\*.jpg')

img =[0])