Sunday, March 29, 2020

10 most frequently used "Command Line" commands

Here below are my 10 most frequently used "Command Line" commands.

There are hundreds of commands to use depending on your operating system (OS). Some commands that work on Linux OS may not work on windows OS.

On windows machine, I make use of the Cmder tool to have access to does commands that work on Linux but not windows.

1) cd (change down a directory)

2) cd .. (change up a directory)

3) ls (list all the content of your current working directory) - On windows it is: dir

4) pwd (print name of your current working directory)

5) mkdir (make directory)

6) touch (create a new file)

7) tree (display how a directory structure looks like)

8) cd / (to navigate into the root directory)

9) cd ..\ (go up one level) or cd ..\..\ (go up two levels)

10) To change to a different drive - Type the drive letter and colon. Example is: d: or e: or f:


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