Friday, August 10, 2018

Getting Google Maps API key in 2018

If you are an old developer who uses the Google Cloud Platform Console developer's tools such Google Maps API key to power application, you will notice that getting a copy of the maps API key has slightly changed in the month of July, year 2018.

Unlike in previous years, when signing up for a copy of the key is just a matter of having a Google account and then putting up a simple request. Today, Google do request for credit card information before the sign-up process is completed. So, the big question now is: Is there no more FREE quota for the Google Maps API key anymore?

Creating a Google Maps API Key
Even though, Google now requests for your credit card information before the sign-up for a key there is still the free quota usage on the API key as usual. Google says: the reason why it request for the credit card information before the sign-up, is to make sure bots/robots don't sign-up for the keys. Also, there is no auto charge on your card when you use up the free trial/quota on your key.

Before you are charged, you will have to manually upgrade your key to a paid plan.

Lets work through how to sign up for a new API key:-

Step 1: 
Go to the Google Maps web platform and click on the "Get Started" button

Step 2: 
On the pop-up box, pick product(s) you want to use the API for and click on "Continue". In my case I selected the three options (Maps, Routes and Places)

Step 3: 
Enter a name for your project and click on "Next"

Step 4: 
On the next page, click on "Create Billing Account"

Step 5: 
Fill the form, click on "Agree and Continue" button.
As you can see, Google will give you $300 to spend on Google Cloud Platform over the next 12 months. Also, you won’t be charged unless you manually upgrade to a paid account.

Here select the information that suit you to complete the form by adding you billing information and then click on "Start My Free Trial" button.

Step 6: 
If everything went well, you should see a screen like the one below...

Click on "Got it" button and you should see you Google API Key to copy and use in your application.

Note: To upgrade your service, click on the "Upgrade" button from the top right corner to manually upgrade your service. You can find more details of the cost on the "PRICING FOR MAPS, ROUTES, AND PLACES" page.

That is it.
Enjoy your API key :)

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